100 – Double Glaze
Save 25% on your cooling bills. As our summers get more intense, double glazing becomes essential.
Windows are responsible for over 30% of the heat lost in most homes.
Save 25% on your cooling bills. As our summers get more intense, double glazing becomes essential.
Windows are responsible for over 30% of the heat lost in most homes.
Forget the kimchi and the sauerkraut, the real fun with fermenting starts with drinks. Cider and beer are easy backyard beverages; wine and whiskey want a wee bit o’ work. But fermenting does not have to mean alcohol; kefir, kombucha and ginger beer are sober ferments.
Your Life Your Planet contributor, Tallulah Ebbs, is introducing a bunch of keen Sydney siders to the art of Wild Fermenting at a workshop this… Read More »Discover the joy of Wild Ferments
By making food and clothes at home, you are shifting from a node of consumption to a hub of production. This is a revolutionary act that creates resilience and community while disconnecting from the global economy.
Embodied energy includes the energy it takes to make an object. This is included in its carbon footprint. Concrete and steel require heaps of energy. So does food.
Geoff Ebbs and Helen Andrew discuss Your Life Your Planet on Sunshine Coast Radio Mornings with host Sheridan Stewart. Sheridan loves the Hub of Production.… Read More »Your Life Your Planet on ABC Mornings
Morag Gamble interviews Geoff Ebbs about Your Life Your Planet and his chequered past.
Geoff Ebbs will defy the Prime Minister’s assertion that ‘greenhouse gases will not be reduced in the cafes of the inner city’ next Thursday April… Read More »Discuss greenhouse gases in an inner-city, bookshop cafe
Ross Garnaut appeared at Avid Reader on Friday 26 March to launch his new book Reset. That book discusses the possibility of thriving, post-carbon economic growth for… Read More »Geoff Ebbs and Sabrina Chakori to put Ross Garnaut in ‘The Cage’ at Avid Reader