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Your Life Your Planet books

The forthcoming book, Your Life Your Planet, deals with sustainability in the home, looking at it through the lens of practical tips and fundamental change. It will be launched by Australian Geographic in February 2021.

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The experts who provided the background for the book were interviewed by Geoff Ebbs on EcoRadio over the course of 2020. Wrapping up his contribution to EcoRadio for 2020 Geoff, summarised the philosophy of the book and played snips from a number of contributors.

One of those interviewed, was Erich Schulz. Watch Geoff and Erich in the Cage on YouTube.

Geoff interviews Erich about activism, consumerism and systemic change.

Maya Krikke is remarkable for building a business around the traditional drink water kefir sold in returnable bottles.

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Maya Krikke from MYK’s Kefir

You can listen to that summary on The Generator SoundCloud channel.

He put this in the context of previous radio shows, The Generator and The Cage. One of the snips used to introduce the book was from an interview with Dick Smith on The Generator.

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