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Green agenda publishes Troll story

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The community garden that delivers some of the findings of Your Life Your Planet

Green Agenda has just published my article on the failure of the Australian Government to heed the call from health, education, and welfare advocates to place food at the centre of a positive and preventative program of wellbeing. Of 188 submissions to the Standing Committee on Agriculture’s Inquiry into Food Security, two dozen emphasised the role of food security in providing equitable nutrition and called for a Ministry of Food to integrate food, nutrition and food production into the delivery of services that would shift policy onto a positive, preventative footing and save billions in curing medical and social ills as well as connecting people with community and nature.

The government responded primarily to the 120 submissions that sought government support and protection for global agribusiness so that we can export more food commodities and generate more economic growth. My article details the submissions to the inquiry and the response of the government in the context of my personal experience navigating the politics of my local community garden.

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