Geoff Ebbs will defy the Prime Minister’s assertion that ‘greenhouse gases will not be reduced in the cafes of the inner city’ next Thursday April 29 at West End’s Avid Reader bookshop.

Register now for this free event.
Geoff Ebbs is the author of Your Life Your Planet and Sabrina Chakori, founder of the Brisbane Tool Library. The two will discuss the book, solutions to climate change and the difference between green growth and degrowth. Geoff’s recent interview with Professor Ross Garnaut discusses his economic blueprint for a socially just, environmentally regenerative future for Australia.
Your Life Your Planet introduces the concepts of the Personal Carbon Target and the Work Environment Life balance (WELb). Those concepts help readers plan to thrive in a post-carbon, post-growth world. Geoff believes the key to thriving is to remain local. “During CoViD we learned to walk and talk in our community and to share the things we grow and make at home. We can maintain that focus, and build a robust environment that supports us through the hard times ahead,” he said.
Macro and micro
Ross Garnaut provides macro level solutions in RESET, his policy recipe for avoiding the hard times.
Geoff considers that we need micro solutions because macro solutions will tend to maintain the status-quo and protect vested interests.
“Real change is going to come from all of us.”
Attend this free event at Avid Reader in Boundary Street West End or enjoy it via the online stream. Register now at the Avid Reader website.
Sabrina is a passionate advocate for degrowth, a researcher into packaging and one of the contributors to the book.
Geoff is author of Australia’s best-selling technical book, The Australian Internet Book and is researching Urban Food at Griffith University’s Centre for Sustainable Enterprise. He will appear on ABC Sunshine Coast this Wednesday morning, 28th April.