Keen followers of Your Life Your Planet will have seen the tubers of turmeric and ginger harvested from my townhouse pot garden last week. This week I have started processing them.
The photos below, provide an idea of what the various stages look like.
Peeling them makes them dry more quickly and results in a finer powder with a cleaner colour. In the picture above, the pieces with the skin on are still leathery and bendable.They need to be dried for at least another four hours.
If you have lots of small tubers, though, peeling will remove \the bulk of your product. I only peel the big pieces, waiting for the day when my crop is large enough that I can keep the small pieces for fresh product and grind only the big ones.
Note the single orange piece in the picture of the dried pieces. The difference in the colour is quite obvious as soon as you cut the tuber. There are no organge pieces in the pictures of the sliced tubers.